From the recording Doggerel ditties


Ode to Donald J Trump

with apologies to the late Andy Stewart and Neil Grant


My mum’s from near the Isle of Skye
I'm orange and I'm none too shy
and the lassies shout when I go by
Donald, where's your troosers
I can spout “och aye the noo”
I’m just a hairy highland Kuh
Making an almighty moo
All mouth and no troosers
Let the wind blow high let the wind blow low
Blow my trumpet grow my nose
Tiny finger tips to toes
All mouth and no troosers

I am a verbal billionaire
My name’s na’ worth more than thin air
Even with ma doll - like hair
All mouth and no troosers
A short fingered vulgarian
My wall may keep out Mexican
Or Muslim foxes from my pen
All mouth and no troosers
Let the wind blow high let the wind blow low
Blow my trumpet grow my nose
Tiny finger tips to toes
All mouth and no troosers

The lassies want me every one
Because they think I’m rich and fun
Hey Megyn Kelly I’m well hung
All mouth and no troosers
Chinks think I’m a waving ranker
Laughed at by most Wall Street bankers
(Maybe even by Ivanka)
All mouth and no troosers
Let the wind blow high let the wind blow low
Blow my trumpet grow my nose
Tiny finger tips to toes
All mouth and no troosers

Publicity is what I crave
What I spend I more than save
I take out more than what I gave
All mouth and no troosers
I believe that might is right
I’ll Tweet you all that “Black is White”
I hope you all are sitting tight
Because you all are losers
Let the wind blow high let the wind blow low
Blow my trumpet grow my nose
Tiny finger tips to toes
All mouth and no troosers