From the recording Doggerel ditties


Inspired by Julia Ward Howe writing the magnificent words of the Battle Hymn of the Republic to the tune of John Brown's Body in a single night during the American Civil War. To inspire American support for Ukraine.

From Kiev’s golden domes to Crimea’s rugged ground
to storied Zaporizhzhia, where the sunflowers abound
From Odesa up to Kharkiv, the signs of war are found
Ukraine keeps marching on
Man and woman all throughout the nation
Their cry is “F U special operation”
Give us peace with self-determination
For ever and ever Amen
Behold the cruel scars from missiles raining hard
Indomitable souls, with spirit still unmarred
All fighting for their homeland - their ultimate Trump card
Ukraine keeps marching on
Man and woman all throughout the nation
Their cry is “F U special operation”
Give us peace with self-determination
For ever and ever Amen
From the Donbas to Dnipro in every town and field
No Satan’s writ shall bend Ukrainian will to yield
United they shall triumph, Democracy’s bright shield
Ukraine keeps marching on
Man and woman all throughout the nation
Their cry is “F U special operation”
Give us peace with self-determination
For ever and ever Amen

Fight on brave Ukrainians till invaders beat retreat
The bitter winds of war will howl till victory’s complete
Let Satan soon surrender to meet complete defeat
Ukraine keeps marching on
Man and woman all throughout the nation
Their cry is “F U special operation”
Give us peace with self-determination
For ever and ever Amen
The Free World stands beside you in your righteous fight
Together we must conquer the forces of the Night
Lay to rest forever the lie that Might makes Right
Ukraine keeps marching on
Man and woman all throughout the nation
Their cry is “F U special operation”
Give us peace with self-determination
For ever and ever Amen